Eco-MuniTM Strategy
See statisticsOur Eco-Muni™ strategy directly finances Thick sustainable infrastructure that local governments own and operate throughout the United States to address climate resiliency and resource scarcity that their communities face. The infrastructure we build today will be with us for half a century or more, so we need to be thoughtful about the infrastructure we construct.
Our Investment Objective
We seek to earn competitive investment returns by selecting municipal bonds that finance Thick sustainable infrastructure - bonds that preserve natural capital or increases resiliency to extreme weather events. We believe that state and local governments must prioritize Thick sustainable infrastructure, thereby reducing risk for investors.

Ullrich Water Treatment Plant, Austin, TX
Why Invest?
Eco-Muni™ is for investors who seek to:
Earn federal tax-exempt income;
Gain exposure to the bond market, thereby diversifying other investment risk;
Direct investment capital to finance Thick sustainable infrastructure that preserves or restores natural capital, or improves resiliency to climate upheaval.
We invest in municipalities that are advancing:
Investments in Thick sustainable infrastructure span generations, and their impact on environmental sustainability is immediate.

We find Thick sustainable infrastructure projects throughout the United States, beyond coastal communities that invest in resiliency.
Our Investment Thesis: A core responsibility of state and local governments is the protection of communities from threats of extreme weather events. State and local governments must also preserve the sources of natural capital upon which their communities rely. The Thick sustainable infrastructure deployed to fulfill these responsibilities is a critical priority - and one that offers a favorable return for the risk the investor assumes.
Market Value of Holdings in the West
Market Value of Holdings in the Midwest
Market Value of Holdings in the Southeast

Eco-Muni™ Summary
*Investment performance since inception are calculated from July 1, 2020.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that when money is withdrawn, they may be worth more or less than their original cost. Income is generally exempt from regular income taxes. Some income may be subject to state and local taxes and to the federal alternative minimum tax. Capital gains, if any, are subject to tax. Due to market conditions, current performance may be higher or lower than the data shown. Total returns for a period of less than one year are cumulative. Investment returns are net of all expenses, including management fees and trading expenses. Return calculations are based on actual fees deducted from client accounts.
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